
#religion etiketine sahip yayınlar gösteriliyor

Çağın Hastalığı

 İnsanlık namına dedikleri hususlar şu son dönemde unutulmuş durumda. Artık insanlar kendi içine kapanmış ve kimse kimseyi düşünmez olmuş. Pandemi de bu olaya dahil olduğundan, insanlar artık misafir kelimesini duymaktan korkar oldu.çağımızın hastalığı olan bencillik insanların kendilerini düşünmesini geçti kıskançlık ta dahil olarak artık insanlar birbirlerini kuyusunu kazar oldu. Tüm bu negatif enerji birikimi dünyada insanların mutlu olmasını engellemeye yeter de artar bile. Ahir zamanda fesadın insan kanında bir zehir dolaşıp her noktaya yayıldığını görmek oldukça üzücü bir durum. Artık şeytan tabiri caizse çaba sarfetmeyi bıraktı diyebilir miyiz? Biz insanoğlu bu şekilde devam ettikçe yeryüzünde huzur insanların ulaşamadığı yerlerde olacak. bunun önüne geçmek için eğitimde köklü değişimler gerekiyor. İnsana insanca yaklaşmayı öğretmek, bence ezberci sistemde diğer rakipleri geride bırakmak için hangi ezber taktiklerini kullanacağını öğretmekten daha iyidir diye düşünüyorum....

Does the creator persecute?

  God does not oppress anyone. Man oppresses himself. He insistently says in the holy books; There are counsels for people who use their minds. God has given man the ability to will. With this ability, one has to compare good and bad. The person who chooses the good is with the beauties, the person who chooses the bad bears the consequences.  He sent 124000 prophets from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad. We know them with ancient knowledge and solid rumors. These religions have always been named differently because of the languages ​​in the world. But all of them are called Islam in the sight of Allah.  If a prophet made a great contribution to his time, honored that time, changed many things in a positive way at that time, then he is a prophet. Among the 124000 prophets, we only know the prophets whose names are written in the Qur'an and in other holy books.  But we believe that some of them may also be prophets. Because a simple person cannot affect his period as m...

Is there a creator?

 İs there a creator?  We can prove the existence of God based on the works he created. The greatest proof of his existence is the entire universe he created and everything in it. There is such a great art in the universe that it is necessary to be almost blind not to see the existence of God, who is its artist. How can this magnificent universe come into existence spontaneously, even though not a single letter could have come into existence without a writer or a needle without a master?  The entire universe and the realms in it and the beings in these realms are in a state of intertwined whole. It is as if the whole universe is like a palace, and the many realms in it are like the rooms of that palace and all beings are like the ornaments in the rooms of the palace.  If we see such a palace, can we assume that it has emerged by chance or by itself like grass growing from the ground? Just as we cannot see the master of the palace for the moment, it is not necessary th...

İbadet etmek

  Bir Müslümanın bir günü nasıl geçer? Mümin günde 5 vakit namaz kılar. Yani bu ibadettir. Yüce Yaratıcı Allah İn huzuruna çıkar ve çıkmadan önce yapması gereken ilk şey Abdest almaktır. Abdest nasıl alınır?  Önce eller yıkanır, sonra 3 defa ağız, 3 defa burun, 3 defa yüz, 3 defa sağ ve sol kollar, sonra 1 defa baş mesh edilir, kulaklar hilal şeklinde mesh edilir,  sonra 3 defa sağ ve sol ayaklar yıkanır.  Abdest Allahın huzuruna çıkarken, yani ibadet ederken yapılması gereken bir temizliktir. Hem maddi hem manevi şekilde arınmak anlamına gelir. Namaz kılarken ilk önce ayakta (kıyam) durulur. tekbir (Allah büyüktür) getirilir. Sonra kurandan sureler ve ayetler okunur. Sonra rüku (90° eğilmek) ile 3 defa subhane rabbiyel azim denilir. Yani yüce Rabbim her türlü noksan sıfatlardan uzaktır denilir. Ve tekrar kıyam ile semi Allahu limen hamide (Allah kendisine hamd edenleri işitir) Sonra secdeye gidilir, yani alın yere değer, secdede ise subhane rabbiyel ala denilir (yüc...

What is islam? 2

  What is islam What is the purpose of Islam? How should a Muslim live? How should a Muslim have 24 hours? Islam is the religion of love. The most important organ in Islam is the heart. Feeling first, thinking later, using the mind are very important in Islam. A Muslim should not harm any creature, including herself or himself.He should embrace every being with love. He should always love the creator and feel the love of the creator in his heart. He should love created beings because of their creator. first of all, the person who does this then performs his (her) duties consciously. There are conditions to be a Muslim. You must accept them. conditions of faith; 1 believing in God 2 believing in the prophet 3 believing in angels 4 to believe in holly books 5 accidents and belief in fate 6 belief in the hereafter islamic terms; 1 read the word-i shahada (to testify) 2 to pray 3 fasting 4 give alms 5 go on pilgrimage <script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/...

Who is buddha

  124 thousand prophets have come in the world and Buddha is thought to be a prophet too. These 124 thousand prophets are not mentioned in the Qur'an, some of them are mentioned by their names, the others are said by saints who have opened their third eyes and reached nirvana in the phrase of parapsychology.  Buddha has caused an effective change in the region where he is located, prayer actually exists in all religions sent by Allah. When we research and pay attention, there are certain rules of Buddhism and a form of worship similar to prayer, of course, these were replaced by other religions and eventually laid the groundwork for Islam.  There is no responsibility for those who do not hear, do not know, and do not have a mind, but we do hear that there are many people in foreign countries who research Islam and find fault and become Muslims, but our Turkish nation does not like to study, there are stereotyped atheistic questions that every atheist asks, a certain part ...