What is islam? 2


What is islam What is the purpose of Islam? How should a Muslim live? How should a Muslim have 24 hours?

Islam is the religion of love. The most important organ in Islam is the heart. Feeling first, thinking later, using the mind are very important in Islam.

A Muslim should not harm any creature, including herself or himself.He should embrace every being with love. He should always love the creator and feel the love of the creator in his heart. He should love created beings because of their creator.
first of all, the person who does this then performs his (her) duties consciously.

There are conditions to be a Muslim. You must accept them.

conditions of faith;

  • 1 believing in God
  • 2 believing in the prophet
  • 3 believing in angels
  • 4 to believe in holly books
  • 5 accidents and belief in fate
  • 6 belief in the hereafter

islamic terms;

  • 1 read the word-i shahada (to testify)
  • 2 to pray
  • 3 fasting
  • 4 give alms
  • 5 go on pilgrimage

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